Saturday, September 29, 2007

X-Patch Magazine illustration

This is a 3 pages I have Done for a magazine here in Jordan called X-Patch. each Month I'm doing them such a thing, was supposed to be a comic but found out this is better :)
this is about stress at work, the magazine will be free online

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

more of our cartoon

here's a preview of our cartoons on the netwroks site
for people living in Jordan the cats cartoon is each hour, usually before 15 minutes of each hour :)
as for sha3biyeh will be at 5:50 each day and will be repeated at 3:50
and I found some people posting our episodes on youtube :/

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

screen shots "sha3biyet alcartoon" on sama dubai

Those are some shots taken from verious episodes, it was a real fun project to do.