Sunday, October 28, 2007

Anger Management

the Picture says it all.....

Monday, October 22, 2007

Wis graff art at Crazy Piranha

The guy WIS is awesome, he's a local Graff artist, and I'm sure he's the first in Jordan to do such great work, asked em to do something for us at crazy pirnaha and he did a wonderfull job, ofcource I couldn't resist the temptation and I drew the skull and fish with him :D
hope you digs.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Hope all you gore loving freaks like this :)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

X-Patch Magazine illustration

This is a 3 pages I have Done for a magazine here in Jordan called X-Patch. each Month I'm doing them such a thing, was supposed to be a comic but found out this is better :)
this is about stress at work, the magazine will be free online

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

more of our cartoon

here's a preview of our cartoons on the netwroks site
for people living in Jordan the cats cartoon is each hour, usually before 15 minutes of each hour :)
as for sha3biyeh will be at 5:50 each day and will be repeated at 3:50
and I found some people posting our episodes on youtube :/

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

screen shots "sha3biyet alcartoon" on sama dubai

Those are some shots taken from verious episodes, it was a real fun project to do.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

MEAWO our second cartoon for september

This is our second cartoon series we're finishing now called MEAWO it's all about cats fighting agains the Kung Fu Master rooster, check it out on Sama dubai this september

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Season 2

We Are So close to finishing the second season of Shabiyet alcartoon ( Arabic cartoon) this series will be 8 minutes each episode for 30 episodes, this is the Poster we're printing and we're doing a whole bunch of posters Very soon .
the Cartoon will be out this September on Sama Dubai channel alont with another cartoon series we're working on, so stay tuned peoplezzzz.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yo, I just made this out after watching guiness world record and there's a woman who pops her eyes out, So this image popes out in my mind :)
hope you digz

Monday, July 2, 2007

Small Logo

This Image is a logo for a friend of mine who playes Jui Jitsu Here In Jordan, And Im a big fan of this sport, SO I told him I will do you a logo for you expressing the bone crushing feeling I have when I see the matches :) ROCK ON

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


OK this will be the last Image Im uploading before we finish the whole series, the 3d team is doing a perfect job here with the cartoon, again this is a 2d/3d cartoon series.
they guys working with us are from europe and their doing a great job overseas, I was scared at first from the distance cause you know I'm in the middle east, but they rocked HARD.

rock on

Monday, May 21, 2007

KIDS cartoon

This was made for an educational animation for 4th grade, it was fun to work on..and um educational :)


after they chose us to be the top 10 sites In art and animation for 2006 for our web site they made an interview with me in their 7th issue, this downloadable magazine is awesome and contains a lot of great articles and inteveiws, Go check it out.

Jahannam wallpaper

Yup I made this new wallpaper for me, thought I'de share it with you guys.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dubai channel Cartoon

this is the cover I made for our first season Cartoon series for DUBAI this is a full 30 episodes dvd, Now we are working on season 2 here's a sneak peek, the back grounds will be in 3d



These Are the characters for the intro animation we made for comedy central's CONTROL FREAKS, hope you digz


after drawing alot I felt my hand so thick I imagined it like a salami,,the big mistake

in this picture is that Im a left handed artist.....


Felt little bit stressed out thought I'de made this quicky.